Tidings & Online Programs


In response to the 4th Industrial Revolution(4IR) which demands digital skills, the GTCF has been offering educational robotics programs since 2017 to especially rural youth across Limpopo's five districts. The primary aim is to provide resquisite skills especially among the rural youth to enable them unlock economic opportunities attendant to the 4IR. By so doing, the GTCF seeks to ensure inclusion of the marginalized poor thereby reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality while promoting self-reliance.

As youth learn to build and program/code robots to carry out specific missions, they develop a fair grasp of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics(STEAM) and its application to real life problems. They learn to research and innovate instead of merely consuming what has been developed elsewhere in the world. In this way, they operationalize our assertion that as a people "We are as good as anyone in the world, if not better"


We expand collective social impact by enabling more meaningful and social good projects while simultaneously tackling systemic problems around social justice, inclusion and equity. We also strive for higher levels of gender equality, diversity and value transfer to improve low sector benchmarks

Our learners are in some of the most exciting tech industry, where someone can go from zero knowledge of coding, to walking with confidence into the developing field. Learners are gaining experience exponentially over their first 7 days of learning the basics of coding, building and programming. Our ultimate goal is to see our learners, learning something new all the time.

Lessons in the GTCF is basic coding, building and scratch programming so that our learners are ready to step into the tech industry. Our lessons prepare learners for leading industry certifications, and each learner develops a code profile that is critical for every developer to have. Classes guides learners on their learning journey, by harnessing technology. We make learning flexible, fun and convenient. Our lessens are build onto one another, allowing learners to learn the skills they need, when they need them.

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Coach and Mentor Online Programs & Competition Updates

UNISA Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) monthly training
UNISA 6x months certificate program (commence in July)
FTC Online training Starts from 15 June to 31 August
Limpopo FLL Challenge District and Provincial competition (qualifier for national) on 30 Semptember 2023